The Natty Test Program
Testosterone is one of the most important hormones we produce as men. Without testosterone we become weak, physically, mentally & spiritually.
Currently there wages a war on your testosterone levels. Truly an alarming amount products/devices/chemicals/foods of the modern world are absolutely nuking men's testosterone levels.
When i originally got back into fitness, I started to study this topic heavily and did everything in power to boost my testosterone levels. Within a few months I had become a new man, a different physic, a different mindset, a upgraded version of myself. However it got me thinking about how this should be my natural state if not for the many poison's we are now consuming in our society.
I personally believe it is no accident that men's testosterone levels have been declining by around 1% a year since the 1980's. This should outrage you as a man, your manhood is being intentionally destroyed.
So, my angry lead to me creating this program which I believe is the best way we combat many modern traps. My before and after serve as good evidence of that.
I am giving this program away for free as I believe the more men who wake up to this stuff, the more change we can manifest in our society. My only request is that your share with any men who need to hear about it.
Enjoy Brothers & stay healthy